Monday, October 1, 2012

Replacement Refs

Found this on an internet message board.  Enjoy! 

"Am I the only one who likes the replacement refs? The last 2 games I've watched (Baltimore/New England, Seattle/Green Bay) have been the most bumblingly hilarious entertaining comedy shows I've seen in many a season. It adds a whole new variable that you have to account for, which is that the people in charge of regulating the game have no idea what the rules are, how to enforce them, or control what's going on the field in any way. Maybe this harms the "integrity of the game" (or other such meaningless cliche ESPN commentator nonsense that no one should really care about), but it's entertaining as hell! The players damn near brawl after every play which just enhances it. From a purely comedic perspective, this is the best thing that's happened to the league in a while. I'm not saying they should keep them forever (obviously!), but this is the most interesting NFL football I've watched in a while."